The competition is getting tight! COHS is still in the lead with the most people earning at least one badge, but only by 1- JSE/CIS and LJH are close behind!
Working in the Power Zone- it's a phrase used to describe the most effective position in your classroom. Check out the Prezi below- it uses a video creation tool called "Xtra Normal" for the first part, and then when that's finished, click the forward arrow located under the viewing window. You will need to know the differences between the 3 zones described in the Prezi for this week's challenge.
Congratulations to Natalie Martin and Matthew Richey for earning a shirt by completing 6 Amazing COCISD professional development challenges! That's 2 teachers from LJH that have completed the Amazing Race:COCISD and 1 from CIS/JSE!
After watching and reading the Prezi, create an Animoto that compares the 3 different work zones in a classroom.
Here is the criteria:
- Create an Education account, so that your students can use your educator's code in their "Account Info" and create Animotos with a longer length than the free version.
- Compare and contrast the 3 types of work zones by finding images that represent each.
- There should be at least 2 images to represent each work zone.
- Give credit where credit is due: One way is to add text boxes at the end of the video to put the websites where you got your images. You can put more than one website on a text box. Another way is to put all the sites in your description, which you will see after you click on the "Produce" button.
- Share your Animoto by tweeting it out with #amazingCOCISD or pin it on a Pinterest board. Click here for directions on how to share.
Here is a help video to get you going with Animoto.
----------------- No Bonus Will Be Given Out This Week -----------------------------------
Did you mean Krista Richey from LJH?!? :(