Not to be Out Done by the Tinymites! The COHS Robotics Club

I'm so proud of these 3 students who started with no knowledge of programming and at the end of the semester, had working robots that performed tasks.  We met weekly from mid-March to mid-May.  Aimie Patrick was a co-sponsor of the club, and like the students and me, had no previous experience.  Beyond the technology, I really enjoyed getting to know these young people and look forward to meeting up and planning for competition next fall.

We Love Robots!

The students in the Coldspring Intermediate School Robotics Club are my joy right now!  These students THINK hard- and it's always happening!  Here are the results of the work, meeting twice a month since the middle of March. I am really grateful for the Coldspring-Oakhurst CISD Education Foundation for the funding, and Courtney Capers, my "partner in crime" who co-sponsored the club.  Smiles and laughter all around for this great program!