Amazing Race:COCISD Week 4

We have our first Amazing Race:COCISD finisher: Melanie Peiskee on the Lincoln Junior High team! Way to go, Melanie!  She has completed each challenge posted so far, and has completed each bonus, so that she already has a total of 6 badges!

More stats: We still have COHS in the lead now with 13 people earning at least 1 badge, and their leading now by 2 people!  CIS/JSE is in second and LJH is in third place.

This week's theme is building good parent/teacher communication.
Watch the video to see suggestions on a positive conference experience with parents. Click here to watch.  A more experienced teacher once told me that talking with parents is like working a bank. The more you add positive "relationship coins" the more they are prepared when you need to talk with them about the tough topics- the withdrawal isn't so painful if you have plenty in the bank :)

To earn this week's badge, please create a digital Parent Contact Log using a Google Form.  Follow the directions in the video below to create it.

Why create a digital Parent Contact Log?

  • prevents loss of a paper copy
  • conveniently located in one place- your computer desktop, so you have it when you need it
  • reduces paperwork shuffle at the end of each 6 weeks because it's already shared with your supervisor/principal
  • when a parent calls the principal, the principal already is aware of situations by reading your Contact Log
  • it's a place you can document positive conversations or comments you share with parents

To see this video full screen, click on the top edge of the video.  It will open up full screen.
You earn your badge for Week 4 Challenge when you email me the link to your form.  Since this is your live form, you should not tweet it out or put it in a reply to this post.