Challenge Two is split- there is a challenge for 2nd-5th grade teachers, and a separate challenge for the PreK-1st grade teachers. When you finish the challenge, take a pic that represents what you have done for this challenge, and either tweet it out using the hashtag #CO-go, email me the pic, or text it to me!
Visit the Library!
Pick up the Storia account information from Mrs. Hopson, and follow those directions to create a teacher account.
- Add your students to your class, and send home the notes about how they can access the ebooks at home on ANY device! You can set the class to be able to access any books, or limit them to only the books you assign. If you are a Math/Science teacher, please talk to the ELA teacher to find out how she or he groups the students for small group instruction.
- When you enter your account, please group your students in small groups like they are grouped during ELA instruction. Browse the book list (by title, reading level, or author.) When you find a book you like, you could assign it to the class, or to a group. When students open their account, they will be able to see and read any book you have assigned.
- You can search by type, Lexile level, genre, subject, format, etc. (Look on the left side after you click on the eBooks tab.)
- Have your students use their Storia account!
Online Libraries!
Please use the following links to help you choose books to read to your students. Many students don't have books at home to read, so please put the links on your Grade Level web site. Reading is a lot like football, if you don't practice, you don't get any better, so this will give parents a resource to use to help their students develop skills!
Unite for Literacy
Storyline Online
WatchKnowLearn: videos for your classroom- organized by type, click on the Read Aloud link. Once you get on this site, it’s hard to leave! There are lots of good resources here!
This source from Barnes and Noble shows authors read aloud their books.